The ABC of Organising
Would you like to hire a Professional Organiser but need a budget alternative? Do you live in the country and find it impossible to have someone travel to give you a helping hand.
We have the solution for you!
Two of Sydney’s most experienced Professional Organisers have put together a remote coaching course that will teach you all the necessary skills to get organised, provide time to go off & put into practice the new skills you have just learnt, keep you motivated and accountable and believe it or not, you WILL have fun doing it.
We, Sarah & Susanne are running 5 x 90 minute live coaching session over 5 weeks via the internet. You’ll get step by step instructions and you will know what to do each session. We’ll talk you through the topic of the day and you will be given time to go off and de clutter. There is plenty of time to ask questions, share your stories and meet others in similar situations.